Software Development

SRC are able to offer a range of bespoke software packages based on customer requirements. If you have a specific requirement we would love to hear from you. We also offer a range of products, that can be adapted to suit. The technical sheets for these can be found below.


Synth is built to address the issue of being unable to create or convert representative synthetic PDW data, that is in use across multiple operational programs and platforms, into various MIDAS data formats.

5815 SRCUK Leaflet_Synth_v1_LV


Projile is an on-premises or cloud hosted, lightweight Agile project management suite that is accessed via a web browser.

5815 SRCUK Leaflet_Projile_v2_LV[60][78]


Odyssey is built to Ingest, Monitor, Compare, Store and React to data changes from multiple data sources by comparing incoming and new data against that already stored before using its internal comparison engine.

5815 SRCUK Leaflet_Odyssey_v3_LV

Data Triage

SRC UK, together with its partner KX have created a bulk data triage application that can de-interleave transmitted signals, compare the output against an existing database for suitable matches and highlight signals that are known, unknown or changed which allows the end user to focus the analytical effort where it is most required.

5815 SRCUK Leaflet_Bulk Data_v1_LV[31][48]



WASP is a user focused, all source fusion framework that can operate with real time or near-real time data feeds. In can utilise historic and reference data to elicit an enhanced holistic information understanding, through all levels from Tactical through Operational and Strategic.

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